Great article Frank. These types of charts take a ton of transcription so its super easy to make a few errors. I wonder if Yanda's numbers got a little conflated with his teammate Terrell Suggs given the text of the article and looking at his total All Pros and Player of the year total.

Also, at the tail end Pouncey only shows 4 Pro Bowls but adds up to 13 pts which seems high given the established point methods.

Thanks for taking the time to put this together, great stuff.

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Thanks for checking it out. We definitely need to tweak the chart, but I thought it was ok to share for now as it does show some context. We used same criteria on all players and weighted everyboyd the same except kickers, punters (67 percent)....We are revisiting the formulae. Stick with us, keep calling us out. Football is a team game.

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